Pitchly Field Types/Returns
The following are all the field types in Pitchly, and sample return values when returned in a recordsConnection query.
Single-line Text: Short single-line text Sample Return Value: {"fieldId":"wksdMHiQmzTt6Dhf9N77|fldpLdoGAFzJae8BfTG7","value":{"val":"Name"},"stringValue":"Name"} | |
Number: Number with possible decimal Return Value: {"fieldId":"wksdMHiQmzTt6Dhf9N77|fldFawgZ4fMZC7PRhjbE","value":{"val":2300},"stringValue":"2,300"} | |
Yes/No: Binary yes/no value Return Value: {"fieldId":"wksdMHiQmzTt6Dhf9N77|fldPSYXsMQY9qhLZB2Cg","value":{"val":true},"stringValue":"Yes"} | |
Multi-line Text: Long multi-line text (can store clickable URLs) Return Value: {"fieldId":"wksdMHiQmzTt6Dhf9N77|fldpLdoGAFzJae8BfTG7","value":{"val":"longer text"},"stringValue":"longer text"} | |
Dropdown: Picklist of predefined choices (limited to one selection) Return Value: {"fieldId":"wksdMHiQmzTt6Dhf9N77|fldnkQKPuSETPib3CPYm","value":{"val":"Lincoln"},"stringValue":"Lincoln"} | |
Dropdown Multiple: Picklist of predefined choices (multiple selections available) Return Value: {"fieldId":"wksdMHiQmzTt6Dhf9N77|fldeZsZWHw7yYuBjCgTf","value":{"val":["Lincoln","Omaha"]},"stringValue":["Lincoln","Omaha"]} | |
Date: Date in the format MM/DD/YYYY Return Value: | |
Currency: Currency amount with symbol Return Value: {"fieldId":"wksdMHiQmzTt6Dhf9N77|fldxmggqWFyYsdTXjgRw","value":{"val":23045,"currency":"USD"},"stringValue":"$23,045"} | |
Attachment: Any type of file attachment, including images. | |
Reference: Creates a relationship/link to one record in another table Return Value: {"fieldId":"wksdMHiQmzTt6Dhf9N77|fldqrYiD9XpWw8AQkhEf","value":{"val":"wksdMHiQmzTt6Dhf9N77 recguqydmvmsWfCkJxHu"},"stringValue":"Jacob"} | |
Reference Multiple: Creates a relationship/link to multiple records in another table Return Value: | |
Lookup: Read-only subfield pulled from a referenced table Return Value: | |
Created At: Displays creation date and time Return Value: | |
Updated At: Displays date and time of last update Return Value: | |
Formula: Calculates values based on predefined logic Return Value: |
Last updated